dialect tempodacqua biennale di pisa III edizione
director – alfonso femia
humans have regularly transformed their territory, always seeking to exploit the land and make the most of its features, even turning this into the quintessential image of the landscape, understood not as something constructed but as a cultural landscape. some building techniques have even been assimilated by human practice as the legacy of a particular place to such an extent that they are perceived as essential structures, so rooted in the land that they seem to form an integral part of it. in the context of the pisa biennale, which was entitled tempodacqua (time of water), bergmeisterwolf explored features that utilise water in its solid and liquid state, such as snowbreaks, canals, aqueducts or mills. these built structures are read as distinctive symbols of the landscape that enable architecture to chime with its setting, like the language of a specific environment, a dialect. taking reinterpretation of these solutions as its point of departure, bergmeisterwolf conceives mega-structures amidst the mountains that explore a new way of living in which water lies at the heart of the design.
pisa, arsenali repubblicani
time of completion
21.11.19 - 01.12.19
gustav willeit