curved schloss weißenbrunn
competition 1st prize
located near a small town in bavaria, the weißenbrunn ensemble is the fruit of a long process that has adopted new approaches to respond to a site steeped in memories and traditions. selected in an invitation-only competition, the design encompasses two new hotels and a large concert hall, located near the historical castle. the planned new-build structures are configured to reflect the site’s topography, generating new points of reference and vistas that are enhanced by the project’s integration into the landscape and built environment. however, the lower hotel, closer to the concert hall, adopts a somewhat different approach; as a mark of respect towards the landscaped park and centuries-old trees, it is elevated on a system of pilotis, aligned with the rows of trees looking out over the landscape. in contrast, the rounded forms of the upper hotel embrace the site’s morphology, incorporating a curved, intimate space on the top floor that is dedicated to relaxation and well-being. the concert hall is located close to the castle – which, like the garden, is under a conservation order – and engages in a constant dialogue with it. its eloquent convex form echoes the structure of the inner hall, drawing the gaze towards the landscape. intensive design work was required when devising the curving lines of this space in order to attain a delicate balance between improving the hall’s acoustic performance and establishing a more dialectic relationship with the castle, partly by demarcating a small piazza. the hotels are connected to the foyer by a lift that moves along an incline, passing through a tunnel in the first section and putting the sloping terrain to good use in the second part.
schloss weißenbrunn gmbh, wolfgang kropp & pia praetorius
konzerthaus mit gastronomie, orangerie, seminarrräume und künstlerzimmer, unteres hotel und oberes hotel mit spa, atelier am gästehaus