W.A.VE 2022 la linea che svanisce
our atelier worked with the concept of the work in progress, with the method of the project investigation based on functions, lacks, evocative images. through the reuse of cardboard found here and there, our atelier was transformed, piece by piece, into a huge model. this way of working, which was a reflection of our way of thinking, stimulated and influenced the construction of our vision.
we moved away from the finished space of the santa marta neighborhood toward the vision of a global, future venice, and we realized that each action implied a contraction toward the principle of the city between utopia and reality. all the work focused on the sign that separates the sea from the land, on its continuous movement and transformation. everything can move, can change. the reused structures become active devices with new uses and functions, and leave space for nature in order to take back its spaces by growing and modifying itself over time.
IUAV, venice, italy
time of completion
winner 1st prize
gustav willeit