implanted - a strategy to think a region town evolution
with walter angonese
architectural design is understood in this study as a possible strategy to promote the territory, supplying new answers and perspectives. in this sense, architecture is able to transform a given context, it can influence the surrounding environment, it may cause discussions, empower or break balances. it is about ad hoc surgery operations, acupuncture needles, 20 interventions. three forest towns are entirely re-thought in its complexity, looking for their specific qualities and connections. the main idea is to revitalize three places, their culture, economy and society through architecture intervention.
klaus zeitler, ines niedziella, anna grandi, valerio nelli, alessandro pizzolato, laura frasson, alexander karnutsch, philipp lanthaler, julian tratter, ulrike bauer, roland dellagiacoma, thomas tschöll
furth im wald, waldmünchen, rötz, germany
jürgen eheim