sequenzen exhibition stadtgalerie brixen
othmar barth, carmelo baglivo, robert bosisio, lorenz estermann, niklas heiss, martin kargruber, hans knapp, brigitte mahlknecht, franz messner, maria luisa montanari, christian piffrader, martin rainer, ulrich troyer
sequences are a succession of thematically or formally related topics. these topics can follow one another, interact with one another and complement one another. in this sense, the exhibited works take on precisely this role, whereby the connecting element is the space and the interpretation of it.
space, and the exploration of it, is actually a profoundly sculptural and architectural task or challenge. in this exhibition, the sculptural and architectural, i.e. the three-dimensional works, are combined with painterly or graphic, i.e. two-dimensional works. the model-like objects are juxtaposed with oil paintings, drawings and collages. the different artistic genres reinforce, complement and complete each other through this equal juxtaposition. this already complex understanding of space is further enhanced by the acoustic level. thus, building on the previous exhibitions, a further, completely different view of the theme of space and form is created. this exhibition is, so to speak, a further sequence in this year’s exhibition programme of the stadtgalerie brixen.
curated by gerd bergmeister and josef rainer
in cooperation with the stadtgalerie brixen, südtiroler künstlerbund
stadtgalerie brixen, hofburg brixen, italien
time of completion
jürgen eheim